Friday, November 18, 2011

Busy busy busy!

Hello All!

SO the past few weeks I've been busy busy busy as you might have guessed from the title of this blog!
I'm in the middle of trying to figure out a pattern for a christmas stocking, for my hubs godmother, I've written 2 patterns, I'm testing other peoples patterns, working on my matching star stitch hat pattern to match the star stitch mitts pattern that I sell, and as always taking care of the two sets of twins. So life is pretty hectic in this house, not to mention, my parents came up for Halloween and now the hubs mom and our nieces are coming down to visit for Thanksgiving.

Here are the links to the patterns I've released this past week! for ready download-able patterns or search for My Crimson Clover for all people on facebook and would like to follow my shop! Please "Like" my facebook page!

Anyways, it's lunch time in the green house and I need to get to making the kids lunch, I'll update more later!